Updated: Energoatom buys AP1000 equipment from Westinghouse for the 5th unit of the Khmelnitsky NPP for UAH 16.4 billion. There are questions about the tender

by alex

Updated [December 26, 18:21]: «Energoatom» will purchase equipment for the construction of a new power unit of the Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Plant from the American Westinghouse for $437.5 million (about UAH 16.4 billion), according to the tender published on the Prozorro website. Equipment for the implementation of a nuclear installation, under the terms of the agreement, must be delivered no later than November 30, 2027. At the same time, the agreement itself, the route sheet and pre-contractual correspondence are classified as «Trade secret».

Commenting on the signing of the agreement «Energoatom» with Westinghouse, ex-member of the State Nuclear Regulatory Board of Ukraine Olga Kosharnaya drew attention to the fact that there is still no feasibility study for the AR-1000 project at KhNPP, so there are no legal grounds to buy equipment now.

At the same time, people's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak on the morning of December 26 said that, together with fellow party members from Golos, he registered a statement with the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) against the President & #171;Energoatom» Petra Kotina. It was based on a recent high-profile investigation of «Schemes», how the mother-in-law of the head of this state-owned enterprise acquired luxury real estate and land near Kiev during the war for 7 million UAH (without officially confirmed income), and additional information.

Original text from December 18: Renaissance of nuclear energy: Ukraine has contracted AP1000 equipment from Westinghouse for the 5th unit of the KhNPP

The state enterprise Energoatom reported on signing an agreement with Westinghouse on the purchase of AP1000 equipment for power unit No. 5 at the Khmelnytsky NPP. The agreement was signed on December 17 at the Ministry of Energy with the participation of the Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko, the President of the State Enterprise “NAEK Energoatom” Petr Kotin and the Chief Executive Officer of the Westinghouse Electric Company Patrick Fragman.

We touched on the future of nuclear energy in Ukraine in a recent article about mini-nuclear power plants and the prospects for their appearance in Ukraine. This news is a small, but very important update in continuation of one of the most pressing topics of our time.


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As you remember, the construction of at least four different types of reactors should soon begin in Ukraine, and back in January German Galushchenko said that the construction of AP1000 reactors from Westinghouse should complete cooperation between Ukraine and the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear energy. This agreement is another step towards achieving this goal in a process that actually started back in 2021 during the visit of Vladimir Zelensky to the United States.

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I consider this an epoch-making event in the development of domestic nuclear energy. This will be the first non-Soviet (in origin) power unit in history to be built by Energoatom in Ukraine. It will have a capacity of more than 1100 MW with a safe and reliable generation III+ nuclear reactor”

Peter Kotin,

President of DP «NAEK «Energoatom»

Energoatom notes that the equipment has already been manufactured and is located in the USA, and construction work at the Khmelnitsky NPP site will begin immediately after the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts the law on the construction of power units using AP1000 technology. Also the team of «Energoatom» has already prepared a draft feasibility study.

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According to preliminary estimates, the total cost of construction of the new power unit No. 5 at the Khmelnitsky NPP, which will provide up to 9 thousand new jobs, will be about $5 billion. Financing will be carried out from Energoatom’s own funds and attracted U.S. lending. Exim Bank.

Currently, only five AP1000 units are in operation in the world, including in the USA and China, another five are almost ready for launch. In accordance with the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers and memorandums concluded between the State Enterprise “NAEK Energoatom” and the Westinghouse Electric Company, it is planned to build 9 power units using AP1000 technology in Ukraine. The first two are right at the site of the Khmelnytsky NPP.

It remains to remember the very ambitious joint plan of the leading Western countries to triple nuclear capacity by 2050 – the construction of new nuclear power plants will inevitably lead to a multiple increase in the volume of both spent fuel and radioactive waste, but that is another story. And it’s definitely better than living in oil and gas dependence on Arab sheikhs and Russian terrorists.

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