Thousands of complaints from iPhone owners in Russia: request to confirm Apple ID password, including someone else’s

by alex

“If you receive a request to confirm your Apple ID password, do not click anything!”

Tonight and in the morning, April 11, 2024, Russian iPhone users began to massively complain about an unusual glitch. The situation was brought to the attention of the thematic resource 

A request to confirm your Apple ID account appears on your smartphone screen for no reason. However, the usual request here asks to enter a password for an unknown account with an email address unfamiliar to the user. Moreover, this address is not repeated among different users. 

One version is that Apple has required devices to re-enter all Apple IDs that the user has ever used. Another version, which looks more likely – mass attack on iPhone users. 

Meanwhile, Russian operators began to warn users about the danger. Here, for example, is the message from «Beeline»:

If you received a request to confirm your Apple ID password – don't press anything! This is how hackers try to hack your iPhone and gain access to your personal data. If you have any suspicions that you are being attacked by scammers, immediately call the Beeline call center at 0611. We have launched a quick help group, the purpose of which is – quickly ensure your safety and reliable protection from intruders.

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