“This could revolutionize the industry.” 1 km per second – modern cars can already charge at this speed

by alex

Huawei will install more than 100,000 such stations in China

On February 27, Huawei held its annual China Digital Energy Partnership Conference, where its executives shared their vision for electric vehicle charging. During the conference, Huawei Digital Energy Division President Hou Jinlong said that all electric vehicles will soon adopt high-voltage charging to achieve high speeds and ensure convenient refueling.

The highlight of the director's presentation was Huawei's goal to expand its charging network, as well as increase the charging speed to 1 km per second (in 1 second, the car will replenish the battery capacity by an amount sufficient to cover 1 km of travel). Huawei said that «this could revolutionize the electric vehicle charging industry and eliminate EV owners' range anxiety».

Hou Jinlong predicts a significant increase in electric vehicle ownership over the next decade, leading to a surge in charging demand. To meet this demand, Huawei is committed to providing ultra-fast charging speeds. Statement: «Historically, low charging speeds and limited charging infrastructure have hampered widespread adoption of electric vehicles».

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While the cost of ultra-fast charging equipment is a concern for some charging station operators, Huawei stresses that the focus should be on the cost of kWh rather than initial capital expenditure (CAPEX). By investing in battery safety technologies and optimizing the charging process, Huawei provides safe and efficient charging for electric vehicle owners, further enhancing the attractiveness of their charging stations.

«Это может произвести революцию в индустрии». 1 км в секунду — современные автомобили уже могут заряжаться с такой скоростью

Huawei recently introduced its ultra-fast liquid-cooled charging station. With a maximum output power of 600 kW and a maximum current of 600 A, this charging station can achieve a charging speed of approximately 1 km per second. The charging station supports a wide range of electric vehicles, including popular models from brands such as Nio, Tesla, Xpeng and Li Auto, as well as commercial vehicles and trucks. Huawei plans to install more than 100,000 liquid cooling stations in more than 340 cities and major highways in China.

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