There will be no serial MS-21 aircraft in 2024? According to the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the “final stage of certification” is expected by the end of the year

by alex

According to the plan, six serial MC-21

should be delivered to air carriers this year

Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov in an interview with Izvestia touched upon the issue of certification of the MS-21 aircraft. From his words it follows that this year domestic air carriers (primarily the Aeroflot group) may not wait for serial MC-21s, although a plan was previously announced according to which the UAC should by the end of 2024 deliver to airlines the first six of 270 MS-21-310RUS planned for production by 2030.

«Probably one of the most difficult moments that I would pay attention to are issues related to testing the PD-8 engine. Because we have already worked on the PD-14 as part of the aircraft. And he [PD-14] received all the necessary confirmations for the subsequent certification of all units that are replaced on the MS-21 aircraft. Therefore, by the end of this year, I will carefully say that we must reach the final stage of certification, and after receiving the MS-21 certificate, we will begin shipping », — Manturov told.

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Серийных самолётов МС-21 в 2024 году не будет? По словам главы Минпромторга, к концу года ожидается «завершающий этап сертификации»

What the «final stage of certification» means is unclear. «But his words may mean that the new aircraft will not have time to receive approval from the aviation authorities, without which commercial operation is impossible, this year», — writes «e-Prom».

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