The Wagnermaier semi-trailer brand has been launched in Russia, and a joint venture has been opened with a European manufacturer. Localization will reach 75%

by alex

250 new jobs created

The shortage of semi-trailers on the Russian market is being resolved quite quickly — launch of new production facilities. On the territory of the SEZ «Alabuga» The production of long-haul semi-trailers of the Wagnermaier brand has opened in Tatarstan, which will produce 3,000 units of equipment annually.

LLC «Wagnermayer Russland» was founded as part of a joint venture with a leading European manufacturer of long-haul equipment. The partners plan to localize the production of semi-trailers in Russia in accordance with European quality and safety standards. This joint venture also created 250 new jobs.

It is planned to increase the localization of production to 75%, and by the end of 2026 the company plans to assemble 9 thousand units of equipment. The official distributor in Russia and the CIS has become the company «Semi-trailer.rf», which has already calculated the volumes required to update the Russian fleet of semi-trailers.

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To update the oldest semi-trailers, of which there are more than 800,000 in Russia, at the current production volume it will take at least 20 years, and during this time the equipment will become outdated again. There is a need for the company's products, and there will be for many years to come.

Wagnermaier is investing 745 million rubles in expanding its presence on the Russian market.

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