The second flight sample of the “Tsar Engine” RD-171MV was assembled

by alex

This is the world's most powerful liquid rocket engine

According to the press service of Roscosmos, NPO «Energomash» assembled the second flight sample of the RD-171MV engine. The first sample was made in the summer of this year. RD-171MV — This is the world's most powerful liquid rocket engine, kerosene and oxygen are used as fuel components, the thrust is 800 tons. RD-171MV will be used in the first stage of the promising Russian medium-class launch vehicle Soyuz-5.

At present, the assembly of the third flight model RD-171MV is being completed. The next stages of the program will be interdepartmental testing and serial production of such engines to power the Soyuz-5 launch vehicle. It is assumed that the first stage of the rocket will require only one RD-171MV engine. The stage will be able to launch up to 17 tons of payload into low Earth orbit. «Soyuz-5» it is planned to be used for launches both from the Baikonur cosmodrome and from the floating cosmodrome «Sea Launch».

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