The newest Haval H6 was shown live for the first time

by alex

The Chinese hit has become more modern

The newest Haval H6 is already showing off at the Haval stand at the Beijing Motor Show. These are the first live photos of the crossover, and it was photographed not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

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According to preliminary data, the car will retain turbo engines with a volume of 1.5 and 2 liters, their power will be 176 and 231 hp. respectively. The car will consume 8.1 l/100 km, rear suspension — multi-link. For now, this is all that is known about the technical parameters. More details will appear tomorrow.  

Новейший Haval H6 впервые показали вживую

Haval H6 is one of the brand’s most popular crossovers on the domestic market, and the new generation should only strengthen the model’s position.

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