The first test results for the GeForce RTX 4070 Super have appeared. The card almost caught up with the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti

by alex

But GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super is also waiting for us

The GeForce RTX 4070 Super video card will be presented on January 8, but today the first results of testing this adapter hit the Internet. 

For now they are only available on Geekbench, but this still makes it easy to estimate the gain relative to the regular RTX 4070. 

And this increase is 9-11%, that is, on average about 10%. Let's remember that the RTX 4070 Super is based on the same AD104 GPU as the regular version, but has many more active CUDA cores: 7168 versus 5888. However, the memory subsystem remains unchanged. Considering that the RTX 4070 Super is rumored to cost $600 and the RTX 4070 will drop to $550, the performance gain is roughly equivalent to the price difference.  

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Появились первые результаты тестов GeForce RTX 4070 Super. Карта почти догнала GeForce RTX 4070 Ti

It’s also worth noting that the RTX 4070 Ti is only 5-7% ahead of the RTX 4070 Super, and the price difference between these cards is many times greater. True, the RTX 4070 Ti Super will supposedly completely replace the regular version, so it’s worth waiting for tests of all the new products.  

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