The assembly processor of the Russian mid-engine supercar Rossa was shown in the photo

by alex

The images show the assembly of the second prototype

Photos have appeared on the Internet showing the assembly of the Russian mid-engine supercar Rossa – it is being created as part of a project by racer Roman Rusinov.

Процессор сборки российского среднемоторного суперкара Rossa показали на фото

Процессор сборки российского среднемоторного суперкара Rossa показали на фото

Процессор сборки российского среднемоторного суперкара Rossa показали на фото

Процессор сборки российского среднемоторного суперкара Rossa показали на фото

As reported by «Avtopotok», the photo captured the assembly of the second copy of the machine at the Moscow Polytechnic Institute. According to Rossa designer Igor Ermilin, the photographs were taken at the end of 2020 or early 2021 and they actually show work on Rossa.

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