Starfield engine breaks saves if you play too long without New Game+

by alex

For persistent researchers, Starfield can open up in such a way that further exploration will be uncomfortable, if you can play at all

Enthusiast SpareDifficult9987 and a group of like-minded people conducted experiments in Starfield for several weeks. They identified a bug related to the incorrect operation of the game engine.

It turns out that if you play for too long without New Game+, the generation of IDs (identifiers for generated objects) will fail. Previously, in Bethesda games, IDs were recycled/reused, but in the case of Starfield, for some reason the system works differently – they remain in the list of IDs in the save file.

The problem is, that if after some time you do not switch to New Game+, the list of identifiers will “inflate” (the available numbers for identifiers will begin to run out). This ultimately leads to a crash: the game will start to crash, the longer the player spends time without NG+, the shorter the intervals between crashes.

The owner of Steam Deck got tired of the comfortable controls and connected two iPods for hardcore gaming

The problem occurs at different times, on average after 200 – 600 hours in Starfield (affected by the amount of research, crafting, construction, etc.).

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