Star Wars Outlaws Extended Trailer Reveals Lots of Details About the Game

by alex

The Star Wars Outlaws marketing campaign is heating up. Ubisoft's latest game received an extended trailer revealing additional details.

Star Wars Outlaws takes place between Star Wars: Part V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Part VI Return of the Jedi. The main character will face several syndicates.

The developers are trying to connect the adventure with the entire universe, as a result of which the published materials show the organization “Crimson Dawn”, familiar to those who watched “Solo: Star Wars” wars: Tales.”

The developers expanded the Star Wars universe, so factions such as the Ashiga Clan and Zerek Besh were created from scratch. The last clan with leader Sliro will play an important role in the adventure.

Star Wars Outlaws introduces Kay, who finds herself in dire circumstances when a job gone wrong leaves her a prime target for bounty hunters. The only way to get out of trouble is to pull off one of the biggest heists in the galaxy. Throughout the entire story, the heroine is constantly pursued by Varl, a hired bounty hunter who wants to kill her.

The developers of the third part of the Final Fantasy 7 remake promised more freedom in battles

Star Wars Outlaws Extended Trailer Reveals Lots of Details About the Game

Star Wars Outlaws will be released on August 30, 2024.

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