Some Apple chips will soon be labeled Made in USA. In the US, Apple chips will be produced by TSMC and packaged by Amkor

by alex

Amkor is currently building a plant near the TSMC plant

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In the near future, some Apple platforms will be completely manufactured in the USA.

The company said it will be the first and largest customer of the new Amkor plant being built in Peoria, Arizona. This factory will package Apple chips produced at the TSMC plant.

The Cupertino giant has been cooperating with Amkor for more than ten years, but now that it will have a factory in the USA (and TSMC already has one there), Apple will be able to produce its single-chip systems entirely in its home country.

Скоро на некоторых чипах Apple будет красоваться надпись Made in USA. В США чипы Apple будет производить TSMC, а упаковывать — Amkor

It is not specified which platforms Amkor will package, but in general Apple does not have a particularly large line of SoCs that are relevant at any particular point in time and are used in certain products.

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