Shoigu: three more Angaras will be launched this year

by alex

Flight tests of the modernized light rocket “Rokot” will also begin in December

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited the Plesetsk test cosmodrome and held a working meeting with its leaders. At the meeting, Shoigu mentioned that in 2024 it is planned to carry out three more launches of Angara missiles. from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. Now at the Plesetsk cosmodrome the creation of infrastructure for launching launch vehicles «Angara» heavy and light classes. With the completion of the modernization of the second launch complex of launch vehicles «Soyuz» The capacity of the cosmodrome to support spacecraft launches will double, as Shoigu added.

In addition, the Minister of Defense spoke about preparations for testing the light-class rocket and space complex Rokot. Rocket «Rokot» was created on the basis of the RS-18B «Stilet» intercontinental ballistic missile. (UR-100N UTTH). About a year ago we wrote that the Center named after. M.V. Khrunichev began manufacturing the first flight copy of the modernized launch vehicle «Rokot-M» with a domestic management system instead of the Ukrainian one. And now Shoigu has announced that flight tests of this missile should begin in December of this year.

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