Safari failed the test, and Yandex Browser turned out to be much better than Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera in identifying phishing sites

by alex

Research of Softline Group

Popular browsers Safari, Firefox, Edge, Opera, «Yandex Browser» and Google Chrome were tested for their ability to identify deceptive data theft sites. The study was published by Softline Group.

They were faced with the task of detecting 100 sites discovered for the first time in Runet that were phishing (after tests they were blocked).

The Safari browser, built into Apple's operating systems, took last place in the number of identified fraudulent sites for data theft. On iOS, Safari was only able to identify 2 out of 100 sites.

«Yandex Browser» topped the rating, recognizing 57 out of 100 sites: for Windows (69), Android (52) and iOS (51). Chrome took second place with a score of 9 out of 100 (10 on Windows, 9 on Android and 9 on iOS). Third place goes to Mozilla Firefox, which identified 5 sites out of 100. Edge takes fourth place with the same result. Opera found 3 sites.

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