Runet turns 30: more than 5.5 million names are registered in the .ru domain

by alex

Runet's birthday is considered to be April 7, 1994

In Russia they began to prepare for the significant day — April 7, 2024 will mark 30 years since the entry of the Russian .ru domain into the IANA database. In this regard, at the International Exhibition and Forum «Russia» VDNKh will host «Runet Day». 

The large-scale event will begin at 11:00, it is dedicated to the history of the creation and development of the Runet, as well as its present and future. In the program — session «How the Runet has changed in 30 years», lectures and master classes for children and adults from Russian IT leaders, quest «Runet is 30 years old» with prizes, presentation of the «Phoenix» from Rutube, quizzes, concerts and much more. 

Interesting statistics on recent achievements have also become known. The number of active domain names in Runet has exceeded 5.5 million. According to statistics from the Coordination Center for Domains .ru/.рф, at the time of writing the news, 5,594,858 names were registered. The .ru domain ranks 5th among all national domains. By comparison, as of April 2022, there were 5 million registered names reported. Director of the Coordination Center for Domains .ru/.рф Andrey Vorobyov said:

The .ru domain is celebrating its

30th anniversary in a phase of active growth: many projects are returning to national domains, directing the vector of development to the domestic Russian market, and many small and medium-sized businesses are launching new projects. We are coping with the challenges associated with cybersecurity and the need for import substitution: we are developing infrastructure, investing a lot of resources in increasing the digital literacy of the Russian population and ensuring the security of the Russian domain space. And our efforts are yielding results: the .ru domain is growing faster than the global Internet, and by the anniversary it has surpassed a new milestone of 5.5 million domain names. The trend for growth and development will continue — all the prerequisites for this exist.

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