Rear axle stall on all-wheel drive, high thresholds, no prospect of Russian firmware and a flashlight that repels mosquitoes. “Club Service” tested Haval Raptor

by alex

The price of the car is about 2.8 million rubles

SUV Haval Raptor – a real novelty: the car was presented in China in October 2023, and now the car has reached Russia. The car was at the disposal of the «Club Service»: now a regular review has been released, and later an even more interesting video with the disassembly of this car will be released. Nevertheless, there are a lot of interesting things in the first episode.

Firstly, this all-wheel drive SUV surprised us with its handling with a pronounced rear-wheel drive accent. Although this shouldn't be the case. However, perhaps such a «perky» character can be attributed to summer tires.

Срыв задней оси на полном приводе, высокие пороги, никакой перспективы российской прошивки и фонарик, отпугивающий комаров. «Клубный сервис» протестировал Haval Raptor

Among the advantages of the car, Ilya Sviridov noted the spacious trunk (however, the lid covering the underground is not made in the best way) and a large supply of space above the head and in the back row. And also buttons for controlling the climate system: with their help, adjusting air flows and temperature is much more convenient than through the media system screen.

Intel wants to be ahead of the curve. The company has purchased all of ASML's latest high NA EUV lithography machines by the end of the year.

Срыв задней оси на полном приводе, высокие пороги, никакой перспективы российской прошивки и фонарик, отпугивающий комаров. «Клубный сервис» протестировал Haval Raptor

The downside of the media system is that there is no Russian firmware for it and, apparently, there never will be. And for some reason the «Home» key was not found on the screen.

The car has very high thresholds (about 25 cm), which is why you need to raise your leg high when getting in. There are some ergonomic miscalculations (for example, a narrow seat and a steering wheel that blocks the view of the narrow dashboard).

Feature Haval Raptor – This is a standard flashlight built into the side of the central tunnel on the passenger side. Moreover, it not only shines, but also repels mosquitoes!

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