Progress MS-25 docked to the ISS, not without problems: the cosmonauts had to take control

by alex

The ship was launched from Baikonur on December 1

The Progress MS-25 cargo ship moored to the Poisk small research module of the Russian segment of the International Space Station on Sunday, December 3, 2023, at 14:18 Moscow time. As it turned out, the docking was not without problems.

Russian cosmonauts on the ISS took over manual control of an arriving cargo ship carrying tons of cargo after the automatic rendezvous system failed. The ship was controlled by Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub, tracking its approach from aboard the ISS.

Kononenko took control of the ship using the TORU (teleoperator control mode) system, while the Progress MS-25 flew around the station at a distance of about 150 meters.

NASA spokeswoman Anna Schneider said:

During the flyby, the Progress spacecraft began to deviate from the expected position and did not coincide with the docking target. The crew aboard the International Space Station assumed manual control and returned the craft to its expected position.

As noted in Roscosmos, in 1978 this was the 186th docking of the Progress family of ships to orbital stations, including the 91st with the ISS. In the past 2023, this is the fourth and last flight of a Russian supply ship to the ISS.

The GAC GS4 MAX family crossover, which will soon be available to Russians, was valued at $15 thousand

Progress MS-25 delivered 2,500 kg of cargo to the ISS, including 515 kg of fuel, 420 kg of drinking water and 40 kg of nitrogen, as well as 1,553 kg of equipment and tools, clothing and food for the crew.

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