New opportunities for State Services: using QR from the portal instead of a passport will become available in 2024. Use scenarios described

by alex

The list will expand

Pilot projects for using the “State Services” service instead of a passport are planned to be launched in 2024, as stated by Dmitry Dubynin, director of the department for the development of digital identification technologies of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.

Using the QR code on the portal, Russians will be able to receive services in banks, MFCs, and buy train tickets. It will be possible to confirm the age of majority for purchasing alcohol or tobacco products, confirm the age for visiting a museum or public event, boarding long-distance trains, and obtaining communication services. The digital document can be used to issue passes on the territory of organizations, check into a hotel and send mail.

“We plan to conduct individual pilots as early as 2024. There will be several cases on using the application instead of a passport. These include services at banks and MFCs, purchasing train tickets and boarding a flight, as well as purchasing certain categories of goods. They will be introduced in stages so that the market has time to prepare,” said Dmitry Dubynin.

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The Ministry of Digital Development and other departments are working on a draft resolution that will define cases when it will be possible to use the “State Services” service to confirm identity. In the future, the list of these situations is planned to be expanded.

Russian Railways confirmed that testing of passenger boarding on some of the holding’s trains with the help of Gosuslug is planned for April 2024. Sber expects to begin accepting data from the application at bank offices in 2024.

A citizen will be able to provide an identity card through the application, provided that his biometric data is in the unified biometric system or he has placed them independently by scanning his international passport, driver’s license, fan passport in the Gosuslugi mobile application, or by submitting his biometrics at multifunctional centers. It is proposed to provide a digital passport via a QR code, which is generated on the portal.

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