Na'vi from Avatar, Spider-Man, Iron Man and other heroes. Apple Vision Pro users have already learned how to effectively customize their headset

by alex

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A new video showing one of the owners of the Apple Vision Pro mixed reality headset was published by a well-known insider under the nickname Ice Universe.

Anyone who follows the news knows that the Apple Vision Pro comes with an external screen that can display the eyes of your avatar, or Persona as Apple calls it.

Some people think that Persona's eyes don't look very good. Sometimes they are set too close to the bridge of the nose, resulting in a comical effect.

На’ви из «Аватара», Человек-паук, Железный человек и другие герои. Пользователи Apple Vision Pro уже научились эффектно кастомизировать гарнитуру

Therefore, Apple Vision Pro users have already learned how to effectively customize their headset. The video shows how Na's eyes from Avatar, Spider-Man and other characters are displayed on an external screen.

На’ви из «Аватара», Человек-паук, Железный человек и другие герои. Пользователи Apple Vision Pro уже научились эффектно кастомизировать гарнитуру

Recall that the first buyers of the Apple Vision Pro, who forgot the password, were forced to return the Apple headsets for reset. On «Yandex Market» offer Apple Vision Pro mixed reality glasses. The basic version with 256 GB of flash memory can be obtained for 893,999 rubles on Thursday, February 8. YouTube confirmed a proprietary application for Apple Vision Pro, but did not give a time frame. It turned out , Apple Vision Pro is very easy to scratch: the destruction of the latest gadget for $3500 was shown in the video by JerryRigEverything. At the same time, Apple Vision Pro owners are unhappy that the headset does not support VR porn

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