It's time to completely forget about video cards with 4 GB of memory? Tests have shown that this is not enough for modern games even with minimal settings

by alex

Radeon RX 6500 XT

took part in the tests

We have already seen tests more than once demonstrating that in a number of modern games, 8 GB of memory on a video card is not enough, even in Full HD. Now the authors of Hardware Unboxed decided to compare 8 GB with 4 GB. 

This test has a number of features, since it is difficult to select competitors. But fortunately there is a Radeon RX 6500 XT on the market, which is available with different amounts of memory.  

Видеокарты с 4 ГБ памяти пора окончательно забыть? Тесты показали, что современным играм этого мало даже при минимальных настройках

Видеокарты с 4 ГБ памяти пора окончательно забыть? Тесты показали, что современным играм этого мало даже при минимальных настройках

Unfortunately, the authors did not make a final diagram for clarity, however, if you calculate everything, it turns out that out of 14 tested games, only three did not show a significant increase in the version with 8 GB of memory, and even then at the most low graphics quality settings. Usually, if the settings are set to maximum, the older version of the RX 6500 XT immediately pulls ahead. 

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Thus, we can state that in modern games, even in Full HD and even with minimal graphics quality settings, 4 GB of video memory is no longer enough. Of course, you need to understand that in this case we tested a very budget 3D card, but the influence of memory capacity is still very large.  

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