Gamers from Japan learned about Sweet Baby and recommend remembering the Japanese developers collaborating with the company

by alex

Japanese companies do not directly cooperate with agenda specialists, but Tango Gameworks may be associated with it through Bethesda

Japanese blogger Pukuta decided to draw the attention of Japanese gamers to the Sweet Baby company by translating a video describing the company’s activities and talking about its head Kim Belair, who has repeatedly shown racism against white gamers and recommended that developers use threatening tactics and intimidation against studio executives who do not want to see an agenda in their games.

“This is a mysterious company founded in 2018 and working with many studios. There are also Japanese companies on the list. It would be nice to remember their names”,” notes the blogger.

Western commentators are glad that gamers from Japan now also know about Sweet Baby and hope that developers from Japan will not hire these specialists to advance the agenda.

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(news cover source: Pukuta)

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