EA conducted investigations into sexual harassment. Suspects named and their actions revealed

by alex

Former Call of Duty developer and current Midnight Society studio boss Robert Bowling named people who allegedly behaved inappropriately towards female employees.

According to Bowling, over the past 2.5 months, EA has conducted an internal investigation into sexual misconduct against the director of development for Plants vs. Zombies by Jordan Adams and EAX Partnerships Director Matthew Angeleri.

Jordan Adams appears to have been video calling female colleagues and committing lewd acts on himself. Adams also sent pornographic videos to female colleagues and even referenced them in conversations on EA Slack.

As for Matthew Angeleri, he invited female employees to stay at his home with his wife during a trip to Las Vegas. Although it seemed like an act of goodwill, Angeleri sexually harassed female employees and accompanied this with videos of himself committing lewd acts on himself.

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For the record, Bowling is the partner of one of the victims and a witness. He claims to be in possession of a photo of Adams' genitals on an iPad.

According to EA, given that the events occurred outside of work between two adults, and the fact that after the investigation began the alleged perpetrators did not do this again, the investigation is considered closed.


Cover author: EA. Cover source: Mp1st

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