Dream Chaser is preparing for the first demonstration flight to the ISS

by alex

NASA conducts intensive testing of space plane

The Dream Chaser spaceplane, developed by Sierra Space, is being tested at a specialized NASA stand and is preparing for its first demonstration flight to the ISS.

At the moment, tests are underway of both the space plane itself and its cargo module in order to prepare for the extreme conditions of outer space. As part of these tests, which are conducted at the Armstrong Test Center, one of the key facilities of the NASA Research Center, Dream Chaser is thoroughly tested to withstand the harsh conditions that await it during launch and flight.

«We have some of the most powerful and efficient systems in the world to simulate and test the extreme conditions that a spacecraft will encounter», — said the director of the research center. Glenna, Dr. Jimmy Kenyon.

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One of the main tasks of these tests was a vibration test of the Dream Chaser and its cargo module, which were subjected to a powerful shaking system simulating launch and re-entry conditions. Studying the spacecraft's vibrations, similar to those it will encounter at launch, promises to improve mission reliability and safety.

After successful completion of vibration tests, Dream Chaser will travel to an underground vacuum chamber that will simulate the conditions of the space environment. As part of these tests, Dream Chaser will be subjected to low pressure, low temperatures and dynamic heating.

These tests  — an important step in preparing Dream Chaser for the first unmanned demonstration launch to the ISS. As part of NASA's commercial resupply program, the aircraft will deliver more than 3,500 kilograms of cargo to the ISS this year.

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