Create an advertisement in one click: Yandex neural networks began creating ready-made advertisements for entrepreneurs

by alex

With text and picture

The Yandex team announced the launch of a new useful service. Entrepreneurs with a Yandex Business subscription will be able to create advertisements using neural networks in one click.

The press service said:

This will save a lot of time and allow you to launch effective campaigns without any skills in working with text and graphics. According to internal Yandex Business experiments, adding generative ads to a campaign allows you to increase the number of targeted actions by up to +5% compared to advertising campaigns without content created by neural networks.

To receive a ready-made ad, just click on the “Generate” button on the “Advertising Materials” tab in “Yandex Business”. The language model will write a selling headline and main message, and the YandexART diffusion neural network will draw a suitable illustration for each ad. If the generation result is not suitable, the process can be restarted an unlimited number of times. If necessary, the content can be changed or supplemented manually before publishing the ad. Next, the service algorithms will set up and launch promotion automatically.

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In addition, Yandex Business updated the neurophotostock with images created by the YandexART neural network. The number of available pictures has increased by 30%, and they themselves have become more realistic. Images can be freely used to illustrate advertisements related to more than 650 types of business activities. Already, the ads of every fifth user with a Yandex Business subscription contain a picture generated by a neural network.

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