“Chinese UAZ” BAW 212 declassified: 252 hp. and 8-speed automatic transmission

by alex

BAW 212 looks very much like the BJ212, which traces its history back to the Russian UAZ

The Chinese Ministry of Industry published live photos and new details about the BAW 212 frame SUV. This model strongly resembles the «Chinese UAZ» BJ212, but the similarity is only superficial: in reality these are completely different models.

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«Китайский УАЗ» BAW 212 рассекречен: 252 л.с. и 8-ступенчатый «автомат»

«Китайский УАЗ» BAW 212 рассекречен: 252 л.с. и 8-ступенчатый «автомат»

BAW 212 turned out to be a fairly spacious SUV: with dimensions of 4749 × 1945 × 2070 mm wheelbase was 2860 mm. The car received a 2-liter Dongan Power N20TG petrol turbo engine with a power of 252 hp, and it works with an 8-speed automatic transmission. Maximum speed — 170 km/h

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