Artificial intelligence will increase the autonomy of Samsung Galaxy S25 smartphones. The Battery AI function will be responsible for this.

by alex

It will probably limit background processes

The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra smartphone, according to available data, will store a battery with a capacity of 5000 mAh. However, recent data suggests that Samsung will still make the new product more autonomous, at least through the Battery AI function. 

This is a software solution that will allow your smartphone to work a little longer. Literally by 5-10%, and the function is activated when the charge is low, but it can still be useful to many.  

Искусственный интеллект повысит автономность смартфонов Samsung Galaxy S25. За это будет отвечать функция Battery AI

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There is no exact data on how the function will work, but in general, similar software has been on the market for a long time. The essence of its work is simple: when the smartphone has little charge left, the software disables or limits certain functions, background tasks and processes, reducing consumption and, accordingly, extending operating time. In the case of Battery AI, as the name suggests, it will be based on AI.  

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In addition, more modern platforms should also have a positive effect on autonomy, so in general, the Galaxy S25 line may be noticeably longer-lived than the current one. 

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