Are we waiting for the Tank 500 Hi4-T and Tank 700 Hi4-T in Russia? The Russian Tank line will be replenished with hybrid SUVs

by alex

The head of the brand's Russian office spoke about the expansion of the Tank range

Director of the Russian Tank office Alexander Chekhovsky gave an interview to the resource, during which he announced the expansion of the Tank SUV model range in Russia.

The Tank is in demand, and we plan to gradually expand the Tank model range in Russia ,” said Alexander Chekhovsky. The top manager did not name specific models, but said that hybrids would be among them.

“Great Wall Motor plans to convert 80% of its total vehicle sales to “new energy” by 2025, and to do this, it is expanding investments in research and development, which will increase to 100 billion yuan by 2025. These ambitious plans are relevant not only for the Chinese market – we believe that hybrid cars have prospects in the Russian market as well. The TANK line will develop: we are working on new models with both traditional internal combustion engines and hybrid power plants ,” said Alexander Chekhovsky.

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Currently the Tank range includes the hybrid Tank 500 Hi4-T and Tank 700 Hi4-T. The Tank 500 Hi4-T is most likely to appear in Russia soon: it is already a production model. The SUV is equipped with a power plant based on a 2.0-liter turbo engine, the power is 408 hp. On pure electricity, the Tank 500 Hi4-T can travel 110 km, and the maximum range on a tank of gasoline reaches 790 km. The all-wheel drive of the hybrid is exactly the same as that of the purely gasoline version, and the transmission is a 9-speed automatic.

The Tank 700 Hi4-T is a new model even for China; sales will start only next year. However, this SUV can also reach Russia, but clearly later than the Tank 500 Hi4-T.

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