An astronaut took a fantastic photo of lightning in the upper atmosphere from the ISS

by alex

Frames of a rare form of atmospheric phenomenon from the ISS open new horizons of research

During a recent experiment on the ISS, it was possible to capture a rare form of atmospheric phenomena — temporary luminous events (TLE). 

Thor-Davis experiment — is a research project carried out on the ISS to study storms and atmospheric phenomena in the upper atmosphere. This experiment began in 2015 as part of the Thor project and was designed to expand knowledge of lightning, thunderstorms and their effects on atmospheric chemistry.

The main goal of the Thor-Davis experiment is to study the vertical structure of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs), such as sprites or elves. Research allows us to more fully understand these mysterious phenomena and their relationship with storms and lightning.

To collect data, the experiment uses a neuromorphic camera, which is installed on the ISS. The neuromorphic camera works on the principles of neural data processing and allows you to collect images of atmospheric phenomena with high temporal resolution, displaying changes in contrast and the dynamics of processes in lightning. This allows for more detailed information and increased knowledge of storm systems.

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The new TLE photograph has generated great interest in the scientific community. The photo was taken by astronaut Andreas Mogensen during his mission to the ISS called Hugin. (Huginn).

The photograph shows a red sprite, which is one of the forms of TLE and appeared at an altitude of 40 to 80 kilometers above the earth's surface. Red sprites are the result of powerful lightning in thunderclouds and appear as glowing columns, streaks, or blobs of a variety of colors.

This photograph provided detailed insight into the structure and dynamics of the red sprite, which had previously been difficult to observe and study from Earth. It provided new data on light phenomena in the upper atmosphere and contributed to the understanding of electrical discharges and their role in atmospheric processes.

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