A man comes for a Geely Coolray, but leaves with a Belgee X50. Dealers explained the popularity of the Belarusian crossover in Russia

by alex

It’s simple – Belarusian-made Coolray is noticeably cheaper

Geely Coolray is one of the most popular crossovers of the brand in Russia, but recently the Belarusian Coolray — Belgee X50. Resource «Chinese cars» I interviewed dealers and found out the reason for the high demand for Belarusian-assembled cars?

It's simple: the main factor — price. «Sometimes it happens that a person comes for a Coolray, but, seeing the big difference in price with the X50, leaves with a second car», — said an employee of one of the salons.

All other things being equal, Belgee X50 is really much more affordable than Coolray. If the cost of «Chinese» is 2.95 million rubles, then the Belgee X50 can be bought for 2.55 million rubles. And this is the situation for many Geely dealers in Russia (a separate Belgee dealer network has not yet been formed; Belarusian crossovers are sold in Geely branded centers). But there are also discounts: for example, for trade-in and credit, dealers are ready to give up 300-270 thousand rubles. As a result, the cost of the Belgee X50 is already closer to 2 million rubles than 2.5 million rubles.

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Человек приходит за Geely Coolray, но уезжает на Belgee X50. Дилеры объяснили популярность белорусского кроссовера в России

Dealers report that there is a shortage of Belgee X50 in the basic configuration: at least two showrooms reported that crossovers are being delivered in mid-range and top-end versions. The color range is also not as diverse as Coolray. But all this, apparently, does not affect demand.

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