A CNC machine for helicopter manufacturing has been created in Russia

by alex

It can process workpieces up to 1.5 tons and will extinguish the chips itself if they catch fire

STAN holding, part of the Rostec state corporation, has released a new specialized CNC machine for helicopter construction. According to the company, this is its first machine capable of processing light metal alloys, including magnesium. The 700V is designed for complete machining of complex shaped parts for helicopter body components. The machine can perform various milling operations and process large workpieces weighing up to 1.5 tons in a minimum period of time. 

A special feature of the 700V model is the fire extinguishing device built into it. When machining magnesium alloys, flammable chips are generated, which can lead to fire and damage to equipment. The working area of ​​the machine has a volume of 18 cubic meters. meters is provided with a gas fire extinguishing system; the inert gases used in it are safe for people and equipment. 

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According to the company, the CNC machining center model 700V – This is the first development from a batch of 50 high-precision machines that STAN will supply to the customer under a long-term contract. The machine was created for about eight months, the share of domestic components in it is 80% – all main components are factory produced.

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